Football is Medicine Conference 2025

University of Jyväskylä Liikunta-building

This three-day multidisciplinary international conference offers sessions that will bring together researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the growing body of research on the effects of football and other team sports on health and well-being.

The two areas around which we formulate the conference are (1) Football for all across the life span and (2) Implementation and impact: Bridging the gap between science and practice.

Each participant is to fill in the form individually, no group registration is possible. 
Please note that registration and payment must be completed in one session. Therefore, please ensure that you are ready to make your payment online upon filling in the registration form, invoicing service is not provided. Following a successful registration, a confirmation email with the receipt of payment made will automatically be mailed to your inbox.  

Information regarding the program will be available on the event website below. The website is being updated constantly.

For general questions about the conference, please contact:

Personal information

Please start by choosing your participation category.
After selecting the appropriate category, the registration options will become available.


''Regular'' for regular participants.

''Student / PhD Student'' for degree students and postgraduate students.

''One day delegate'' for those participating only in the Stakeholder day.

''JYU staff'' for JYU Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (staff and PhD students). - Please note that the maximun number of participants in this category is 20 and lunches are not included.

Privacy settings
I give my permission for the communication and marketing use and publication of photos and/or videos taken at the event. The publications can be used eg. on the University's social media channels. Please note that taking pictures and videos is allowed in eg. lobbies because they are public spaces. *
My name and contact information may be shared with the registered event participants. *
Diet or other restrictions

If you are updating your UEFA license, please fill in your PalloID
By attending Football is Medicine conference you can update your UEFA coaching licence. The number of hours you can complete from the conference: 8 hours. If you are only attending the stakeholder day (January 14th): 4 hours. Note: Only for licenses issued by the FA of Finland.

Level of UEFA coaching license
If you are updating your UEFA license, please state your UEFA coaching license

Participation fees

No group registration is allowed, only one registration per person. Hover the mouse over the registration options for more details.
Select Product Taxes excl. Taxes incl. Pcs

Invoicing information

Check your personal information. If the information is correct, press "Sign up"

Privacy Policy
The conference is organised by the University of Jyväskylä, the Football Association of Finland, and Laurea University of Applied Sciences. The organisers will have access to, and will handle registration data in the organising process.
Privacy Notice JYU ; Congresses and seminars

Cancellation Terms
Cancellations with requests for registration fee refunds will be considered until 14 Dec, a EUR 50 processing fee will be applied. Cancellations received after the given deadline do not entitle any refund. Refunds will be issued via the original payment method used and will be processed after the event. Please contact the secretariat at EMAIL: regarding all cancellations.