Brains and Bodies in Social Interaction, Learning and Wellbeing

Jyväskylän yliopisto

The registration is to be completed individually, no group registration is possible. Please note that registration and payment must be completed in one session. Therefore, please ensure that you are ready to make your payment online upon filling in the registration form, invoicing service is not provided. Following a successful registration, a confirmation email with the receipt of payment made will automatically be mailed to your inbox.

Event website:

Personal information

Please start by choosing your participation category. After selecting the appropriate category, the specific registration options will become available.
"Regular" for Regular participants.
"Invited / Organizer" for non-speakers who have received an invitation and the members of the organizing committees.
"Invited (Speaker)" for the invited speakers.
"Regular (Remotely by Live Stream)" for participants who want to follow the conference by live stream.

The Country field is used for statistics only. It will not be connected to any personal information.

Privacy settings
I give my permission for the communication and marketing use and publication of photos and/or videos taken at the event. The publications can be used eg. on the University's social media channels. Please note that taking pictures and videos is allowed in eg. lobbies because they are public spaces. *
My name and contact information may be shared with the registered event participants *
Diet or other restrictions


Hover the mouse over the registration options for more details.
Select Product Taxes excl. Taxes incl. Pcs


Check your information. If the information is correct, press "Sign up". Following a successful registration, a confirmation email with the receipt of payment made will automatically be mailed to your inbox.

Terms of cancellation

The registration is binding. Cancellations with requests for refunds must be received in writing one month (30 days) prior to the event. A EUR 50 processing fee will be applied to the refund requests. Refunds will not be issued for cancellations received after the given deadline nor will they be given for failure to attend any part of the registration package. Refunds will be issued via the original payment method used and will be processed after the event  Please contact the secretariat at email regarding all cancellations or changes in participation. 

Privacy Policy 
The congress is organized by Department of Psychology, University of Jyväskylä (JYU) and the organising party will handle the participants' registration data in the event organising process.  Participants' data may only be disclosed to specified third parties if this is required to ensure proper organisation of the event.
University of Jyväskylä as an event organiser, Privacy Notice.